We’re gearing up for something big at the @farmprogress Show!
Join @larson.farms and @salfordgroup as we demo the 5200 Tillage live.
Got a burning question?
Submit it now, and it might get answered during our live Q&A on August 27th & 28th!
Click the link below to send in your questions.
Experience the Nation’s Largest Outdoor Farm Event
For over 50 years, the Farm Progress Show has connected farmers from across the globe with agriculture’s leading companies. With hundreds of exhibitors, there’s no better place to engage with the latest farm products and the specialists who developed, tested and designed them.
Whether you are looking to innovate with the latest ag-technology, learn from industry experts, or share your farming legacy with your family, the Farm Progress Show has it all.
Be sure to visit Salford Group in booth number 234 to check out our latest showcase.
Our Territory Sales Manager, Jason Hinners, will be onsite and is happy to answer any questions.
If you want to schedule a specific time to meet with Jason, fill out the form below and he’ll be in touch!