Find what you need

Salford has many applicators that are accurate and gentle enough to handle seed for cover crop seeding. Pair Salford 56 series applicators with virtually any implement to quickly and accurately sow seed to improve soil organic matter, control erosion and capture nutrients.

what sets these apart

Features for Smoother Operation

The semi translucent hopper on the 56 Series applicators enables operators to visually check the product level in the hopper. The 56 Series also features a manifold pressure switch to ensure an adequate air flow is maintained for even product distribution. Finally, a warning light and buzzer are included on the in-cab control unit to alert the operator.

Simple Calibration

Calibrating an applicator is necessary to ensure proper flow rates, especially when determining the settings for new products or various sizes of seed and seed mixtures. The 56 Series applicators make this process easier by allowing the venturi and manifold system to be dropped so that a funnel tray can be inserted for easy collection of product.

Compare Our Cover Crop Seeding

Model Working Width Capacity
AB640 Applicator
Standard: 640 cu-ft
Standard: 640 cu-ft
56N Series Mounted Cover Crop Seeder
50 cu-ft
70 cu-ft
50 cu-ft
70 cu-ft
ST-Series Applicators
120 cu-ft
180 cu-ft
300 cu-ft
360 cu-ft
120 cu-ft
180 cu-ft
300 cu-ft
360 cu-ft
4056 Applicator
40 cu-ft
40 cu-ft
6056 Applicator
60 cu-ft
60 cu-ft
246 Applicator
60 cu-ft
60 cu-ft
9620 Air Boom Applicator
Standard: 660 cu-ft
Standard: 660 cu-ft
8700 Applicator
260 cu-ft
357 cu-ft
260 cu-ft
357 cu-ft
8600 Applicator
260 cu-ft
357 cu-ft
260 cu-ft
357 cu-ft
5500 Applicator
167 cu-ft
167 cu-ft