Known for our innovation and reputation for quality and durable tillage equipment, Salford Group was at the forefront of the conservation tillage evolution. Our company worked closely with farming customers to address concerns like soil erosion, compaction, nutrient loss and residue management. That’s how the first true vertical tillage machine was developed – the original Residue Tillage Specialist (RTS). From there, the I-1100 was created, becoming the platform for an entire series of innovative tillage machines designed for environmental management and soil conservation, known as Salford’s Independent Series. Since the development and expansion of the Independent Series, customers have come to rely on Salford for conservation tillage solutions using our vertical tillage equipment. Salford’s most popular conservation and no-till I-Series models are the I-2100 and I-4100 machines. Here’s a look at the top five benefits every grower should know about incorporating conservation tillage.


Soil compaction can be a farmer’s number one enemy and correcting compaction can be the most basic step a farmer can take to improve crop production. A proper balance of basic soil elements – air, minerals, water and organic matter – are necessary to optimize soil and crop growing conditions. Compaction wreaks havoc on the availability of air and water within the soil, throwing off the balance of these vital elements. In fields with serious compaction issues, root growth can be impaired and plants can become stressed as air and water are ‘squeezed’ from the soil. Compaction makes both wet and dry soil conditions more severe, reducing the water holding capacity of soil which makes drought conditions worse, and inhibiting drainage to make wet conditions more troublesome. The good news is vertical tillage systems like the Salford I-Series can help correct compaction issues while providing the benefits of conservation tillage.


Salford’s true vertical tillage and hybrid vertical tillage systems offer farmers the most efficient equipment for the job and help reduce operating costs when compared to conventional tillage. These machines make the management of fall residue and spring seedbed preparation easy, no matter the soil condition, wet or dry. Getting the job done right the first time reduces the number of passes and at an acre per hour, per foot, the I-2100 and I-4100 can get the job done faster, saving you time and money.


Maintaining the right amount of residue coverage will prevent moisture evaporation, slow run off and prevent soil erosion. Minimal tillage systems can level and distribute crop residue evenly throughout the field, cut and condition residue to assist with insect and disease habitat destruction and, in some cases, speed up the decay of crop residue by promoting increased microbial activity to improve organic matter. Salford’s I-Series machines are designed to provide a more efficient, less intrusive way to manage residue, increasing the overall benefits of crop residue, while improving the health and productivity of your soil.


Incorporating conservation tillage into your field management will reduce soil disturbance, helping to maintain or increase necessary organic matter. Improving organic matter can help with moisture control in dry areas, because the more organic matter, the greater the soil’s capacity to capture and store moisture. Minimal tillage can also increase water filtration by loosening soil bunk density and maintaining sub-soil habitat for soil organisms. In wet areas, farmers can improve moisture evaporation and increase the rate of soil warming and allow for earlier planting.


Soil is a finite resource, and healthy soil is a premium. While implementing practices like no-till and conservation tillage can help correct and improve soil health, it can take years to reverse problems like compaction and erosion. But every little bit counts. The benefits of conservation tillage, including improved soil quality, increased organic matter, better filtration and reduced soil erosion can all add up to an investment in the future of your fields and yields. Optimize your soil health by adopting conservation efforts like vertical tillage. Your local Salford Group dealer can assist in selecting the right machine and tools for your farm and soil improvement plan. Contact us today.